Friday 22 June 2012

Buck Does The Old Team and Margaritas

Some of the faces around that table were among the first he’d seen when he was taken out of the gift bag shortly after leaving the store and he recognized them immediately by their heartwarming smiles.  The lady’s tone and demeanor were light and hearty and by osmosis Buck was filled with warm feelings as he sat at the table and listened to them laughing as they updated each other on the more recent events in their lives.   Collectively they had lost enough weight amongst them to actually be missing a small person and while they did reminisce a little that afternoon most of the time was spent in looking ahead and sharing plans.

These people had formed the lady’s work team (when she cared about such things) and it was to them that she handed the torch to as she moved on to retirement.  As she predicted, they grabbed the reigns and not only kept going forward but improved processes and she seemed proud of them as she sat among them hearing of how they were managing without her.   Fresh ideas, new energy, next generation; the universe was unfolding as it should over a long lunch on “Margarita Thursday”. 

Buck moved from glass to glass sneaking sips of each flavour as the unsuspecting cast of characters focused on each other.  His own focus moved from stealing sips to double vision as the afternoon wore on and while he was sure he’d have difficulty waddling today he knew the lady would simply carry him in her bag when it was time to go.  With the margaritas flowing and a designated carrier established Buck had nothing to worry about and he didn’t.  Retirement was teaching Buck how to relax. 

The consensus amongst the group that afternoon was that they looked great and were pretty much invincible.  While the margaritas may have fuelled this outcome it is more likely the power of friendship.

Friday 8 June 2012

Buck Witnesses A Big Family Event

Gathered in the middle of nowhere (York University) with thousands of people on folding chairs Buck couldn't help but feel the excitement in the air.  
Today would be a celebration of years of hard work.  Today (the lady said loudly just that morning)
the baby of the family would walk across a stage and show the world just what she was made of.   There was in fact, no longer any babies in the family but the lady appeared to be in denial about that.  Thousands filled the theatre as the graduates entered the hall in a majestic procession wearing long black robes and funny hats.  Buck simply could not make out which one was her.
And then he listened carefully to the lady's description as she pointed and cheered and suddenly it was easy to find her...
They all laughed and clapped and cheered and Buck used his squeaker to join in.   It was a fine event  and Buck was never prouder of his new family ...
Stealing a quick look at the lady,  Buck was certain he saw her shed a tear or two.   While he didn't fully understand it, he decided it had something to do with being a mother.  "odd" he thought, " that you could feel so full of emotion that it literally leaked out of you". 

 He hoped to feel that some day but for now it was enough to feel the aura all around him like a big family hug.   What a day !