Tuesday 27 March 2012

Buck Learns About Goals

“I did it!   I darn well, most assuredly , magnificently did it!” came a sudden piercing scream from the kitchen.  A quick look in that direction showed Buck a one woman conga line with serpentine motion across the kitchen doorway.  Buck was sure he saw the funky chicken on the first pass, then the walk like an Egyptian and a step or two of river dancing with interjections  of “Woot! Woot!” and some flailing moves that looked as if the lady had scored a touchdown.

The ambassador looked up over his reading glasses and smirked knowingly.  He asked “What did you do?” but he looked as if he already knew.  After all, both the lady and the scale were in the kitchen and she weighed herself daily

“I’ve lost it!” she squealed.

“I know” said the ambassador “I can see that but what did you do?”

“The weight!  I’ve lost it!  25 lbs! I’ve reached my Gooooal !“ 

“Congratulations” beamed the ambassador as the lady’s mood was contagious “I’m proud of you”.

The lady danced away singing loudly and the ambassador went back to his paper chuckling quietly to himself.

Buck was astounded at the proceedings.  He never realized how large the lady was. Twenty five pounds is the equivalent of 200 rubber duckies !  Suddenly the lady reappeared in her swimsuit “look at me, my old swimsuit fits and I’m going to bring it on our trip” she beamed at no one in particular.  Then she looked down and frowned a bit “too bad about those very close veins though.”

Buck did note the blue lines on her legs but he didn’t know what they were called. The name made perfect sense to him as those veins were ‘very close’ to the surface of her skin and he could indeed seem them clearly. 

“Well, I guess you can’t have it all” sighed the lady and she danced away heady with the victory over her greatest adversary – her own appetite.

Buck felt happy too.  If he could have chuckled he would have.  Maybe now the lady would abandon her high fiber,  low fat,  bean based diet.  

Monday 26 March 2012

Buck Leans About Anniversaries

It was through the lady’s embarrassed stammering that she simply couldn’t understand how she forgot followed by the rapid questions “well what is the date today?” and “how many years has it been?”  plus the conversation that followed that Buck was able to piece the custom of anniversaries together. 

 It seems that folks celebrate many life events and to take an event to a place of honour the date that it originally happened on is remembered with special acts (called traditions) every single year.  Now having agreed that an event is worthy of an anniversary and observing it’s traditions,   it is also agreed that everyone who takes part sees it as an important event,  one worth remembering.   To forget this on any specific year (but especially after the second year or so) makes it appear that its importance has diminished over time.   This is okay if everyone forgets but if only one person forgets  it’s a rather serious infraction and requires some explaining in the form of say excuses or a series of rapid questions to deflect from that infraction.

It was when the ambassador came home with flowers saying ‘Happy Anniversary’ that the lady got red and flustered and started sputtering and dashing to the calendar  “well, it can’t be!” and she had the strangest look on her face.  The ambassador did not let her off the hook  “Yep, it is - NINE years”.   “Yikes!” thought Buck “She forgot after nine years… uh oh” .

There was a lot more sputtering and then ‘ Ohhhh… “ her voice trailed off and she realized she blew it and everyone knew.    She took the flowers and kissed the ambassador gently to let him know that the event when they met has not diminished in importance for her.   In fact Buck knew that the lady could not imagine her life without the ambassador,  she was just losing her marbles and Buck fully expected a house full of lemons in no time. 

 In the future Buck decided,  he would help her by remembering anniversaries for her and he would do it like this…
First thing in the morning on the day of the anniversary,  since the lady always got up first and then she’d remember.   Problem solved !

Thursday 22 March 2012

Bucks Meets PeeVanGee

Buck was happy to learn that he and the lady would be heading out to enjoy a lunch meeting with a former co-worker.   His favourite part was the escalator ride...

He liked to think of himself as a kind of dangerous duck type.   The worst part of the trip was riding the SRT or Scarborough Rapid Transit train - that thing was the noisiest vehicle he'd ever been on.  Buck decided that when the mayor asked him to vote on SRT or subway extension,  he'd choose subway everytime.  Scrap the LRT plan!
Once at the restaurant the lady and PeeVanGee talked up a storm.  Lots of updates transpired and Buck struggled to keep up while he enjoyed his salad (and beer ) ...

   The lady seemed thrilled to hear that PeeVanGee had left his latest job and taken a new position as  a not for profit consultant.  He said this new job was the best thing that could happen for him as he was able to spend a lot more time with his kids and the type of work he was doing suited him well.  Some days he would travel into the city to work with a client but lots of days he could work from home.  He said he was working on planning a trip somewhere south (maybe Mexico) with his family and that things were great with him.  He smiled a lot.  Buck liked that.

The lady seemed to have a special kinship with the folks she used to work with, her face lighting up as she talked about them.  It was clear to Buck that she worried about them,  their happiness mattered to her.  Buck noted that the lady seemed to value and protect her personal relationships more than her jewellery.  "Interesting",  thought Buck "that the mosts valuable things can't be bought or sold".  It was strange information for a duck who's life started in a store.   

Monday 19 March 2012

It's Travel Time Again !

Buck was simply amazed to overhear a conversation between the lady and the ambassador that told him it was time to travel again.  This would be a long trip to a place very different from anywhere he’d ever been before.  The flight to get there would take 20 hours,  which Buck wasn’t looking forward to…

The Itinerary

The trip will last from April 8 – May 15th heading  southwest  to northeast with 5 days on land at the start (Sydney) then boarding a princess cruise ship for the remainder.
Buck was getting good at travelling and was able to get ready within minutes…

R-r-r-r-r-eady Mate  ! 

Saturday 17 March 2012

Buck Learns About St.Patrick's Day

Well through careful listening Buck was able to discern that many years ago in a land called Ireland a terrible thing happened.  The potato crop went black and since most potatoes grown there were of the very same variety the country as a whole suffered.  Mass crops which were a staple of the Irish diet failed.   A great famine set in and the peope of that land were forced to travel to other places to find food sources.  Lots of these Irish people had 'O's at the start of their name like the U.S. president Obama but some changed their names to hide where they came from as they were not always welcome in the new land.  The people of the new lands saw the irish immigrants as diseased and poor and a strain to their economy and it was a tough life for Irish immigrants.   The thing is,  this famine sent the people of Ireland throughout the globe and now the Irish gene runs throughout many countries.  Even those who aren't Irish celebrate them and St. Patrick's Day is the day to do this.   Irish traditions are enjoyed and green beer flows throughout many lands.  Buck was thrilled to head out on his very first St. Paddy's Day celebration. 

Buck discovered that he really enjoyed the green beer...
But a friendly police office warned Buck to take it easy..

and it was NOT necessary to use the cuffs after all.   Buck learned that fun is fun but it is important to drink responsibly even if you're pretending that you're irish.   Happy St. Paddys day everyone !

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Buck's Last Day In The Big Easy

Buck was familar with the beads - they came in many assorted colours and they hung very near to his hook in the store.  It was on this day that he discovered that they grew on trees right here in New Orleans!

Buck was going to miss New Orleans for it's amazing sights and sounds.  What a unique and amazing place,  so much to see and do here.  Music for all ages...
A convergance of very different worlds...
And Buck's very favourite part.... it's rich history.

Buck greatly enjoyed his road trip.  His recommendation for those considering a visit....GO!

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Bucks Slows It Down A Bit

Needing a break from the noise and activity Buck headed to the place that always helped him relax... water. The mighty Mississippi is perfect for this.

The Natchez is an authentic paddle wheel boat and you can roam around it even visiting the engine room.  Before the boat takes off  you are treated to a calliope concert.
and then for the first hour the tour is narrated,  followed by a live jazz band playing for the second hour  Music is everywhere in N'Awlins and is what makes the place come alive.

And he's rollin'
Rollin' on the river

Buck Visits N'Or Leans

He is astounded by the things he finds there,  it's not like anyplace he's been before...

Buck was used to dollar stores... found them comfortable but these were very different! 

Buck was going to have to watch his step in New Orleans until he figured out how it worked.. slow and steady Buck. 

Monday 5 March 2012

Buck Enjoys Mobile, Alabama

A sleepy and quiet place on a monday morning but some interesting items to be seen.  First, some food..

and then a visit to the police museum to learn about new and unusual things..
like blasting caps and the fact that crime does not pay...
and finally the fact that a half day is really enough to take in Mobile. 

Sunday 4 March 2012

Buck Enters Alabama

Buck's first taste of Alabama was a bit scary...

But he soon forgot about that when he visited a restaurant that is very unusual and a lot of fun.
Lamberts is famous for the way they serve their delicious food - side dishes are handed out by wandering wait staff and you just ask for whatever they have in their pots whenever you like and hot rolls straight from the oven are simply tossed to the crowd at regular intervals.  You signal that you'd like a roll and the fella heaves it across the room and the heads of other patrons.  If you're ever in or passing Foley Alabama (also offered in 2 other franchise locations - see web site) it is highly recommended that you visit the Lambert family ! 


Buck had an absolutely fantatic time - 2 wings up!

Saturday 3 March 2012

Buck Goes Gulfing

Sitting around the pool Buck was enjoying the lazy afternoon when he overheard the group discussing  a proposed road trip.  Apparently they were planning to travel around the Gulf of  Mexico, past the Florida panhandle and into Alabama and Louisiana.  “R-r-r-r-r-r-oad Trip!” screamed Buck in his head although he wasn’t really sure what a road trip entailed.  He heard plans to stop in Mobile and New Orleans and he got a little frightened when he heard about ghost tours in above ground cemetaries and the voodoo that is a part of the culture of new orleans.

Still a little hungover,  Buck struggled a bit to pack up his things spurred on by his excitement.  The chatter of the group told him they’d be enjoying jazz and blues bands and an environment  different  from any that Buck had known to date.  “There is just so much to do and see outside of the store”, thought Buck.  He was grateful that he was allowed to explore this new and interesting world and he vowed to share as much of his experiences as he could so that other ducks would know too.   He wanted them to know that if they got the chance to go…. they should,  even if it was a bit scary to head into brand new territory.   That became Buck’s mission.  To spread that  word.  Go!

The travel group was unsure of how long they’d be on the road trip – they were going to see how things rolled.  Given that Buck’s new mission was to boldly go…  this suited him fine.  He was in good hands and a wonderful mood as he tucked himself in that night.  “Marty Gra?” wondered Buck “Who is that guy?”. 

Friday 2 March 2012