Tuesday 27 March 2012

Buck Learns About Goals

“I did it!   I darn well, most assuredly , magnificently did it!” came a sudden piercing scream from the kitchen.  A quick look in that direction showed Buck a one woman conga line with serpentine motion across the kitchen doorway.  Buck was sure he saw the funky chicken on the first pass, then the walk like an Egyptian and a step or two of river dancing with interjections  of “Woot! Woot!” and some flailing moves that looked as if the lady had scored a touchdown.

The ambassador looked up over his reading glasses and smirked knowingly.  He asked “What did you do?” but he looked as if he already knew.  After all, both the lady and the scale were in the kitchen and she weighed herself daily

“I’ve lost it!” she squealed.

“I know” said the ambassador “I can see that but what did you do?”

“The weight!  I’ve lost it!  25 lbs! I’ve reached my Gooooal !“ 

“Congratulations” beamed the ambassador as the lady’s mood was contagious “I’m proud of you”.

The lady danced away singing loudly and the ambassador went back to his paper chuckling quietly to himself.

Buck was astounded at the proceedings.  He never realized how large the lady was. Twenty five pounds is the equivalent of 200 rubber duckies !  Suddenly the lady reappeared in her swimsuit “look at me, my old swimsuit fits and I’m going to bring it on our trip” she beamed at no one in particular.  Then she looked down and frowned a bit “too bad about those very close veins though.”

Buck did note the blue lines on her legs but he didn’t know what they were called. The name made perfect sense to him as those veins were ‘very close’ to the surface of her skin and he could indeed seem them clearly. 

“Well, I guess you can’t have it all” sighed the lady and she danced away heady with the victory over her greatest adversary – her own appetite.

Buck felt happy too.  If he could have chuckled he would have.  Maybe now the lady would abandon her high fiber,  low fat,  bean based diet.  

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