Sunday 8 April 2012

Buck Meets The Easter Bunny

It was very early morning, still dark when buck was awoken by a soft scurrying sound that he’d never heard before.   Half asleep, he looked about the living room and spotted a small furry face peeking at him from behind the couch.  “Ps-s-s-t!” it whispered, “Is it safe?”   
“Wha…” asked Buck “Is what safe?”.
“Is it safe to come out?  I hear growling” the fuzzy, frightened face questioned.
“That’s not growling” clarified Buck “that’s just the ambassador snoring.  Of course it’s safe”. 
And with that, the face made its way out from behind the couch revealing a long set of ears attached to it.  By the time it was in full view a bunny had emerged right there at the manor. 
“Who are you?” asked a rather astonished Buck out loud. 
 “The Easter Bunny” came the response which surprised Buck not because of the answer but because of the deep voice that came from the bunny.  It reminded Buck of the Barry White CD’s the ambassador played on Saturday nights and made the bunny seem bigger than he actually was. 
“Why are you here?” asked Buck.
The bunny smiled and shook his head slightly from side to side “Oh Buck, you have so much to learn. I’m here to spread joy, I have magical powers and..”
“I know, I know” Buck interrupted “You’re going to grant me 3 wishes!”
“Sorry Buck” the bunny looked amused,  “I don’t do that.  I bring chocolate eggs to spread springtime joy” explained the bunny as he began to remove chocolate treats from apparently bottomless furry pockets and place them purposefully throughout the room.  “Tomorrow morning,  people everywhere will wake up and get a lovely surprise when they find the treasures I’ve left for them”. 
“Cool!” exclaimed Buck.  “What a great idea”.
“Yeah, it’s my own thing I dreamed up many years ago.  I worked out a partnership with some chickens and the rest is history.   Creatures like you and I Buck were put on this earth to make others happy.  We are kindred spirits.   I want you to know that even though you’ll only see me once a year I am with you always” and the bunny gave Buck the softest, furriest kiss on his cheek
then simply vanished in a purple haze. 
“Whoa!” gasped Buck.  He looked to the left and he looked to the right and when he was satisfied that the bunny was really and truly gone, he proceeded to gobble up each and every chocolate egg he could find.  
With sudden, perfect clarity Buck understood the phrase “You snooze, you lose” and he used it to justify his selfishness as he ate.  In the quiet of the early morning, minutes before his conscience and his tummy ache began to bother him, Buck was never happier. 

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