Thursday 12 July 2012

Buck Visits Niagara Falls

Once Buck had been home for a few weeks he found himself growing bored of watching t.v.

He was relieved and excited to hear the ambassador come home and announce that he had concert tickets and they’d all be hopping into the car and heading to Niagara Falls.   Buck loved geographic formations that had to do with water and he’d seen the horse shoe falls on t.v. during the coverage of the Wallenda tight rope crossing.   Daredevil  antics were a wonder to Buck and brought many questions to his mind.  Why would you want to spend your life practising to walk a tight rope?   Why wouldn’t  you just take the rainbow bridge to cross the Niagara gorge?  There were just some things that didn’t make sense to Buck. 

The car ride was long but the view was extremely rewarding.
and came complete with a rainbow.
You could even take a boat ride on the ‘Maid of the Mist’ which was a bit confusing at first because that’s how the lady jokingly referred to herself as well.   Buck found himself trying to distinguish between which maid they were referring to in conversation,  like when the ambassador  said  ”‘Oh yeah,  if you pay you can ride her and it feels pretty dangerous”  to an inquiring  tourist and ‘She’s been in service a long time,  I think I was on her as a kid” to the lady herself.   Buck thought it best to just be quiet here.
After strolling along the walkway they rode the funicular to the top of Clifton hill to take in the overall view and avoid having to waddle up the hill. 
Buck was careful to keep his body parts inside as instructed by the signage.  No daredevil antics for him.
Although he was unsure of why you’d ever want to have your body parts outside.  
All in all it was a splendid day and Buck was impressed with Niagara Falls and it’s majestic beauty. 

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